SEA circular: Taking a human rights perspective on solving plastic pollution
SEA circular takes a human rights-based approach (HRBA) to project planning and implementation to ensure a fair, equitable and ethically sound course of action to solve plastic pollution at source.
The human rights implications of environmental damage – including marine plastic pollution – are felt most acutely by disadvantaged segments of society, including rural communities and the urban poor, women, children, ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, and other marginalized groups.
A HRBA recognizes and addresses the underlying causes of discriminate impacts of pollution and environmental degradation on vulnerable groups; aims to empower and engage these groups in participatory processes; and helps to build the capacity of governments, plastic producers and polluting industries and other dutybearers to act and protect human rights and the environment.
Explore this section and view resources to learn more about HRBA in the context of marine plastic pollution
SEA circular has produced and contributed to a range of resources on the human rights and gender implications of plastic pollution:
Plastics toolbox: Business, human rights, and the environment
The plastic toolbox: Business, human rights, and the environment, compiles good practices and cross-cutting guidance on a human rights-based approach to plastic pollution prevention and management with a focus on capacity building of governments and businesses in the East Asian Seas region.
Date: June 2020
Language: English
This publication describes good practices of States in recognizing the right to live in a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment, as well as in implementing the procedural and substantive elements of this right. A report by the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment– with support from UNEP, as part of our work to advance environmental rights.
UNEP online course: Introduction to human rights and the environment
Date: 23 March 2020
Language: English
The UNEP Introduction to human rights and the environment online course covers the relationship between human rights and the environment. The course explains the bases for the application of human rights to environmental issues, and the procedural and substantive obligations relating to the environment. It gives examples of constitutions that have incorporated a right to a healthy environment, good practices in procedural and substantive environmental protection. This course is free to access, with three modules. The duration is approximately three hours.
SEA circular Issue Brief 01: A human rights-based approach to preventing plastic pollution
Date: March 2020
Language: English
This Issue Brief gives an overview of the links between human rights, the environment and marine pollution and discusses a human rights based approach (HRBA) for more equitable and effective marine litter interventions.
SEA circular Issue Brief 02: Gender equality and preventing plastic pollution
Date: March 2020
Language: English
This SEA circular Issue Brief gives an overview of the links between gender, the environment and marine pollution and discusses measures to empower women and strengthen equality for more inclusive and effective marine litter interventions.
Marine plastic litter in East Asian Seas: Gender, human rights and economic dimensions
Date: 11 November 2019
Language: English
This report provides insights on the gender, human rights and economic dimensions of marine plastic litter to inform project design and activities and to ensure a fair, equitable and ethically-sound course of action, that leads to more effective, appropriate and sustainable outcomes in the longer term. The analysis highlights initial findings and existing knowledge gaps and provides recommendations for more equitable decision making, while recognizing the need to strengthen the evidence base on issues discussed.
This study was prepared by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) under the SEA circular initiative implemented by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA), with support from the Swedish Government.
SEA circular focus for International Women’s Day: Advancing women’s rights and tackling marine plastic pollution in South-East Asia
Date: 8 March 2020
Language: English
For International Women’s Day 2020, SEA circular focused on how plastic pollution and the resulting degradation of marine and coastal ecosystems, threaten women’s rights.
SEA circular conducts and contributes to a range of events on the human rights and gender implications of plastic pollution:
VIRTUAL SIDE EVENT: Building Back Better: Responsible Business Conduct, Human Rights and the Environment
Date: 12 June 2020
Language: English
UNEP, OECD and partners invite to join a virtual side event at the UN Forum on Responsible Business and Human Rights on 12 June at 1pm ICT entitled ‘Building Back Better: Responsible Business Conduct, Human Rights and the Environment’.
In this event, we will take a closer look at the role of businesses in protecting people’s rights to a healthy and safe environment in the face of plastic pollution and climate change in a post-pandemic world.
Speakers will discuss how business conduct, human rights and environmental protection are linked and share examples of good business practices that work for people and planet and combat plastic pollution and climate change.
We invite you to join the discussion and share your questions and experience.
12 June 13:00 – 14:30 (Bangkok time) TBC